Computer Navigated Spinal Surgery / Robotic Spinal Surgery

Newer advances in spinal surgery include surgery using a computer (computer navigated/computer guided or computer assisted spinal surgery) with or without using a robot arm. There are 2-dimensional (2-D) and 3-dimensional (3-D) computer navigation systems available. Three-dimensional computer navigated spinal surgery uses a CT scan during the surgery in the operating theatre.
There are some advantages of using computer navigation for spinal surgery. They include real time visualization of certain parts of the patient’s anatomy which cannot otherwise be visualized with the naked eye, microscope or endoscope. However, intra-operative CT scans have increased radiation dosage than conventional X-rays. There is also increased costs to the surgery when computer navigation is used for spinal surgery.
Dr Mash is well versed in using both 2-D and 3-D computer navigation and uses it selectively for patients that will benefit from its usage.

Picture of the CT scan machine and Dr Mash looking at computer screen using computer navigation for spinal surgery

Picture of screen when using computer navigation during spinal surgery