Hip pain can be caused by the muscles surrounding the hip joint. There are many muscles that arise from the pelvis bones and injuries/strains to these can cause pain of the hip area. Some activities can also cause tears of the bumper of the hip called the hip labrum.
Hip arthritis can occur when the cartilage of the hip joint (formed between the head of the thigh bone and the socket of the pelvis) undergo degeneration. This can occur due to ageing or can occur sometimes after a fracture of the hip or a condition called avascular necrosis, where the blood supply to the head of the thigh bone is compromised leading to death (necrosis) of the head of the thigh bone and subsequent hip arthritis. Hip arthritis can also occur sometimes from inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Types of Treatment
- Physiotherapy
- Anti-inflammatory Medications
- Keyhole, minimally Invasive Surgery (Hip Arthroscopy)
- Hip Replacement